Gold Coast Tweed Camper & Caravan Hire

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tiaro to Lake Monduran Day 2

We over nighted at a free roadside rest area leaving just after 8am and detoured to the coast for brunch at the Salt Cafe on the Ocean Beach at Bargara, a coastal town just out from Bundaberg. The coffee, eggs and bacon at Salt Cafe was first class as with the ocean and landscraped outlook. The Bundaberg Regional Council has excellent BBQs, Tables, Shelter, Toilets and children's play equipment along the foreshore.
Moving on to Monduran Dam we set up camp at Lake Monduran Holiday Park which the turn off is 20kms North of Gin Gin and then another 4kms of sealed road into the park. The Powered sites are 10m x 10m grassed sites near the dam wall, Great acmp kitchen and clean amenities $28.00 per site and plenty of grass un-powered sites.
Our fishing from 2pm to 4.30pm was a nil result on the lake and tomorrow we will try the water hole below the dam wall, as large numbers of Barra were washed over the wall in the January Floods. The Monduran Anglers Stocking Association puts 100,000 2" Barra Fingerlings in the dam each year. The Fingerlings grow to about 15" in 12 months and it only takes 3 to 4 years for a fingerling to reach the magic metre mark.
The Sunset over the dam was wonderfull watching whilst enjoying drinks and nibbles.
Driving Time 3hrs 30mins 230kms

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